Industrial Scrub & Sweep


We Specialize in...

Flexible Sweeping

Industrial Sweeping

Industrial Scrub and Sweep provides power sweeping services, including street, parking, garages and warehouses sweeping, to businesses and contractors throughout NZ South Island.

Having a regular scheduled sweeping program will help with health and safety as well as environmental concerns.

We have maintenance sweeping services  programs available daily, weekly, and monthly that will keep your properties looking great.

If you need after hours power sweeping for your industrial or commercial property, talk to us. We will work with you to create a service plan that suits your schedule and budget.

Power Sweeping

Car Parking / Garage

The appearance of your business exterior area including parking area is the first impression people have when approaching your business, or commercial property and a clean crisp presentation is an inviting image. In addition to that, sweeping your asphalt and concrete surfaces prolongs the life of your parking area, reducing the frequency of resurfacing and other costly maintenance. At Industrial Scrub and Sweep we can custom-tailor cleaning services to match the needs of your industrial or commercial area – up to seven days per week, night or day. Parking garage cleaning and maintenance is imperative to customer health and safety, because enclosed spaces can accumulate more pollutants and toxins. Regularly scheduled parking and garage sweeping, eliminates trash and debris build up and reduces contaminates.
car park


Warehouse / Factory

Keeping your warehouse or factory clean goes way beyond the obvious aesthetic advantages. Daily spillage of oils, greases, and other liquids at manufacturing facilities can cause staff to tumble or slip on the wet floors. Sweeping serves to reduce the possibility of potential slip & fall hazards.

Our top-of-the-line sweeping services will ensure your factory or warehouse cleaning needs are met. We offer a variety of industrial cleaning services, including industrial sweeping, industrial scrubbing and water blasting.

Why choose Us

We have been providing specialised, customised and reliable commercial and industrial cleaning services for almost 20 years in New Zeealand South Island, what’s more, we will tailor your cleaning plan to your budget and goals.